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How to get rid of a smell of fresh paint?

Some paints , especially glycerol paint, emit strong odors when applied. This is mainly due to their content of volatile organic compounds, the famous VOCs. While it is recommended to always open the windows of a room when it is painted in order to ventilate well and reduce odors as much as possible, this practice is not always sufficient to eliminate them. Here are our tips for getting rid of a fresh paint smell naturally.

How to get rid of a smell of fresh paint?

Food tips

Here are our food tips for eliminating the smell of fresh paint.

Coffee grounds : very effective, coffee grounds are able to absorb paint odors. Place a little on a plate that you will place in the center of the painted room. Renew the content regularly.

Coarse salt : good odor absorber, it is advisable to place coarse salt in a cup to be placed in the room. There too, to be renewed regularly.

The cut onion : cut an onion in four and arrange it in your freshly painted room. It will absorb paint odors. Renew every 24 hours if needed.

Hot milk : place the hot milk in a bowl that you will place in the center of the room to be painted. Hot milk absorbs all bad smells like coffee grounds and coarse salt.

The breadcrumbs : excellent absorbent, the breadcrumbs must be placed in large quantities in the painted room. Ideally, divide it among several plates placed at the four corners.

Lemon juice : in a bowl of one liter of boiling water, pour the juice of two squeezed lemons and their zest. Leave on for a few hours and repeat the operation if necessary.

Mint infusion : place a saucepan of boiling water in the center of the room and infuse a nice bouquet of fresh mint into it. The smell of paint will disappear.

The other tips

Check out our other natural ways to get rid of the smell of fresh paint.

White vinegar : boil white vinegar in a saucepan and immediately place it in the room to be deodorized. Vinegar vapors eliminate paint odors. If this maneuver is effective, know that you will need more than a liter of vinegar for a good result and repeat the operation at least three times. If the smell of white vinegar alone bothers you, add some citrus zest to it; it will be more bearable.

Baking soda : an excellent odor absorber, baking soda is one of the essential natural tips! Place it in several bowls that you will distribute around the room. Renew it every day.

Fabric softener : in a saucepan, boil a liter of water and pour in fabric softener. Place the still hot pan in the center of the room and leave to act.

White clay : clay has a strong absorbent and deodorant power. Place several cups in your room and pour a little dry powdered white clay into them.

Green clay : in the center of your room or in several places if it is large, place cups containing 3 tablespoons of green clay on which you will pour essential oil of lavender, mint, lemon or pine.

Vegetable charcoal : charcoal is an excellent natural absorber that is harmless to health. Place several containers in your room in which you will pour a little charcoal. Do not hesitate to renew it from time to time for more efficiency.

Do not use incense : just like scented candles, the levels of gaseous and particulate pollutants (particles, carbon monoxide and dioxide, nitrogen oxides, benzene, formaldehyde, etc.) emitted by incense sticks are high and have health impacts, including potential carcinogenic risks, according to Ademe.

